Late last Tuesday night we took Dallin to the ER of one of the Children's Hospitals here in Atlanta. He was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. The same type that I have. I had noticed the night before that he used the bathroom more than normal and wanted water after he went potty. Then that night I noticed he kept drinking from my cup. So I decided to test his blood sugar level. It was over 600. I did it again and got the same result. I immediately knew he had diabetes. We called the doctor and then took him to the hospirtal. We did take our camera but when we got to the ER they valet parked our car and we forgot to grab it out. So, we missed out on some cute pics of him in the ER, his hand all wrapped with an I.V., Dallin in a hospital gown, etc. But we got some cute ones too.
Dallin was in need of a bath after the second day there so here he is in the tub.

Ben and I had to go to two days of education classes. It was informative on some level for Ben but it was just a review for me since I have been doing this for 23 years now. Dallin sat there so well and played at his little table.

This is Dallin in PT. We had to learn how exercise will affect him and his blood sugars. He looked pretty funny with the surgery cap on under the helmet. He loved playing there.

After we had walked around for a while, Ben needed a rest and Dallin was happy resting while watching a cartoon.

Dallin enjoyed alot of chicken fingers while at the hospital, among othern things.

We visited the Koi Pond when Dallin got restless. He loved the fish. All of the nurses loved him!

Taking time to play in the activity room.

Dallin suffering from low blood sugar. I felt badly for him as I know all too well how horrible you can feel when you are low. He was tired too.

Sleep finally won the battle.....on the way home from the hospital.

I guess I was more tired than I thought I was too. I couldn't even make it to the bed before falling asleep.

Since we have been home from the hospital Dallin has been gradually getting better about his shots and finger pokes. He has to have a minimum of 4 shots and 6 finger pokes daily. He has had some low and some high blood sugar levels. He struggles with not being able to snack whenever he wants to. I feel so blessed that I know so much already and know how he's feeling and I feel confident in my decisions about his care. Ben has been so great with him too. Like he always is with me. All in all Dallin is doing well. It will be a lifetime challenge though.