Tuesday, November 03, 2009


RUTH, here you go. I have repented of my slackerness.

Dallin finally conceded to my pleadings and decided to wear his suit to church on Sunday. Actually, he didn't even give me much grief about it. He was a little confused as to why he had to wear a shirt though......when we first brought it home for him, we let him try it on without a shirt ;-)

After church.....he was so proud of his "I can be honest" crown.

Ben tonight before mutual looking nerdy.....uh, I mean nifty in his new scout shirt.


Just us Nelsons said...

Love Dallin's suit. He is such a little man! So cute.

Ruth said...

I think he is ready to run for office! I just want to shake his hand...and then hug him, and squeeze him, and kiss him, and hug him again.
Ben, on the other hand, way to take one for a good cause :)

Jennie said...

I am lovin' the suit too! I miss you, too!!

darinangel said...

What a cute little Dallin.

Emily said...

So handsome!!! That suit is adorable!

Dave said...

Ben, don't listen to what anyone says. You look awesome in that scout shirt!

No dig on your Ben, but I think the best part of the pictures is Dallin running down the hall in his underwear to your left.

Jared said...

Handsome man, Dallin. And I'm with Dave, you don't look too shabby yourself, Ben!

Emily M said...

I love the Playmobil cake and ship. That's what we are into at our house these days. That gives me some ideas for Harry's upcoming birthday.