I love it when I find Dallin like this! He is really into books right now.

Dallin being silly like always. I have no idea where he got these 3-D glasses. Naked too.

Dallin really likes stickers. Eh, who needs paper when you have skin. Naked too.

Please ignore the mess we call a garage. It has seen better days. Please note Dallin, the outdoors man. He loves being outside. Whether it's playing in the messy garage or running around in the yard he just likes it. It is our top priority to get a playset soon for the outside so her doesn't have to climb on things that are not meant to be climbed on. Too bad money doesn't grow on trees!

Dallin is really into Spiderman right now. Especially his Spiderman undies. Notice in the last two pictures, Dallin is actually dressed. I think Dallin loathes clothes right now. He will let me get him dressed to go get Mia from school and if we need to run errands but other that that, he's naked. And the truth is, I don't really care. But it drives Ben crazy.
Dallin, put some clothes on.
Dallin, I'm loving that you are naked all the time. You and Miles must be twin souls. (okay, so mostly I'm just SO RELIEVED that it's not just MY kid who can't keep his clothes on!)
I love books too. Maybe I should try them naked! OK, never mind.
Dalin is becoming like my band director. Scary isn't it. They both absolutly adore spiderman. I just hope Dalin doesn't have as much stuff as Mr. Player!
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