Dallin after church with his cake and goodie bag from the Bishop. He was so cute when they sang to him in Primary.
Opening his first present. Kind of an impromtu thing. We don't normally open presents on the bed but I thought this was a cute picture of all 3 kids. (Yes, I'm laying in bed. No, there was no way to crop me out of the picture and get the kids, I tried. I have a sinus infection, I was tired from staying up to make that blasted cake so give me break, okay)
Dallin's favorite gift, of course. He didn't even care about cake and ice cream after he opened this bad boy. I'm glad he likes it because it's really annoying when you think your kid is gonna love a gift and they hardly play with it.
This is how much he loved it. I guess he doesn't mind sharing his bed with the ship. I think it's great! Simply a Dallin thing to do.