This is Mia before school on Friday.......she survived her first week of school and LOVED it!

Ben worked from home on Friday and after I got Mia off to school I went back to bed and Cami was being fussy but didn't want to be fed so I decided to snuggle with her and we both went back to sleep. Notice the mascara on my wall compliments of Dallin. Don't be jealous of my pink grandma housecoat. Thanks for the picture Ben!

Mia needs a family picture for her "family wall" at school and this was our attempt. The lighting was horrible and our building is being remodeled so the wall looks trashy. We may have to try again.

This is for Angel anf Darin......Elder Carlson says "congratulations!"

Cami looked so cute for church today

Mia LOVES to hold her baby sister

A little smile

Dallin's favorite way to sleep these days......yes, cotton balls and crackers are on the floor

Dallin did not want the slice of watermelon I cut for him......he demanded the quarter of it still on the cutting board

We made french bread pizzas.....I love how Mia's has neat little piles of toppings

Daddy and Cami just chillin'

Dallin LOVES corn on the cob

I catch Cami holding her toe like this all the time

taking a cat nap

Tonight I made cupcakes after dinner. I was feeding Cami and was just finishing when Mia asked me to frost one for her. I told her to wait a minute while I burped the baby. So, she went in and did it herself. I was looking at the computer when Mia brought it to my attentioon that Cami had frosting on her forehead......from Mia's cupcake of course. So I liked it off. Uh.....that was barf from where Cami was rubbing her head on the burp cloth. THANKS MIA!! When am I gonna learn my lesson?